Monday, December 7, 2009

Pictures from Sports Competition

So sports was a big deal last week and they had a huge parade (parades are big here) and each province had students/ teachers in the parade dressed up int he traditional dress of their region. It was pretty cool but again, we didn't know what was going on so it was a long day.

My students.

Across the way the stands are full of students - on the left are Pi-a students, the other high school in Nakhon Phanom city. On the right are the students from Na Po Wo. They did this really cool cheering thing....absolutely no idea how to explain it. And Pi-a made awesome signs ...see picture below.

They had several of these and were holding up some sort of plastic square? each student. So that it spelled something out and they changed them every few minutes. It was very well done.

All the students parading through and lining up on the green. After this they had a soccer game between Pi-a and Na Po Wo.

All this is pretty standard for any sort of celebration - all the kids and teachers get dressed up in traditional thai dance outfits and have a parade. The bands play and there is some thai dancing.

So just another window into things going on here. take care everyone!

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